About Me.

Everything begins with an idea
About Me.
I am an Architect with BSc (Hons) Degrees in Architecture (1997), MSc in Computer Aided Design in Architecture (2000) and PhD in Virtual Reality and Urban Environment Modelling (2007), from Strathclyde University, in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
I have taken part in various competitions and conferences, presenting my research in the UK, Ireland, Greece, Italy and China. As an academic I have taught for 4 years at the University of Strathclyde to graduates and postgraduates for the degree of Architecture and 6 years at DOUKAS School, in Athens, for the BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design.
Dr. Kalliopi Maravelea

Special Collaboration.
In 2016, I took the title of lighting designer, certified by the Ministry of Education, thus creating in collaboration, LightArtDesign, which was active in the Design and Construction of Special Lighting, providing through its own showroom special lighting applications.
In 2021 I took the title of Smart Lighting Professional from the Hellenic Open University by participating in the MOOC training program of the European project ECOSLIGHT on lighting. My love for Architecture, Decoration and Lighting does not stop and always through continuous education and research, I try to adapt my knowledge and techniques to the needs of the times.
The changes in conditions and requirements in the market, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, brought me face to face with a new reality. Therefore, with the experience and knowledge of all these years, I am able to provide online services as an Architect, Interior Designer, and Lighting Consultant.
Το 2016, πήρα τον τίτλο της μελετήτριας φωτισμού, με πιστοποίηση από το Υπουργείο Παιδείας, δημιουργώντας έτσι με συνεργασία, την LightArtDesign, που δραστηριοποιήθηκε στη Μελέτη και Κατασκευή ειδικού φωτισμού, παρέχοντας μέσω του δικού της showroom ειδικες εφαρμογές φωτισμού.
Tο 2021 πήρα τον τιτλο του Smart Lighting Professional από το Ελληνικό Ανοιχτό Πανεπιστήμιο συμμετέχοντας στο εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα MOOC του Ευρωπαϊκού έργου ECOSLIGHT πάνω στο φωτισμό. Η αγάπη μου για την Αρχιτεκτονική, τη Διακόσμηση και το Φωτισμό, δε σταματάει και πάντα μέσα από συνεχή εκπαίδευση και έρευνα, προσπαθώ να προσαρμόζω τις γνώσεις και τις τεχνικές μου, στις ανάγκες τις εποχής.

Η αλλαγή των καταστάσεων και απαιτήσεων στον χώρο της αγοράς, με την πανδημία του COVID 19, το 2020, με έφεραν αντιμέτωπη με μια νέα πραγματικότητα. Ετσι λοιπόν, με την εμπειρία και γνώση όλων αυτών των χρόνων, είμαι σε θέση να παράσχω υπηρεσίες διαδικτυακά ως Αρχιτέκτονας, Διακοσμητής & Μελετητής Φωτισμού.
My Basic Principles.

My Quotes.
The Architect is the creator, the one who generates the idea and directs the project towards the implementation of this idea. He is not a contractor! There is someone else for this job.
The Architect is called to bring harmony to a space...not just to make it nice! A beautiful space is subjective, while the harmony in a space is objective!
As an Architect and Designer I want to create spaces not for satisfying my selfishness, but for satisfying the person who will live in them!
Good design of a space takes time!. Its value will be seen after some years ... and not just the moment when the painting on the walls smells fresh!
When I design a room I look at the whole house. When I design a house ... I look at the whole plot. All spaces must interconnect!
A space increases its value as long as the person who lives inside, maintains and takes a good care of it. When the person is good, the space looks beautiful! When the person is miserable, the space seems problematic!
The Architect designs a space, and the rest of the team construct it...they make the design real. In order for the result to come out right, the whole team should have a respect to each other and a good communication.
Everyone can design a space...but the Architect has the ability to marry ...- the human with the space - the materials together - the light with the space - the environment with human... and many more that not everyone can do!
The difference between a very good professional and an excellent one is the passion for work.
It is very different a place to be just nice from being functionally beautiful!
The Architect is the creator, the one who generates the idea and directs the project towards the implementation of this idea. He is not a contractor! There is someone else for this job.
It is very different a place to be just nice from being functionally beautiful!